If you are getting ready to retiree, or perhaps you have just retired, be sure to let us know! Please contact us by email, letter or even call us!
Upon retirement, a retiring member will get a retired membership card from the National. Also an application for the CWA Retired Member Council will be sent. In order to receive the CWA National newsletter, membership in the retired council is a must. The fee is $25, not much to be able to keep in touch with CWA issues, concerns and actions.
For more information go to the National website at http://www.cwa-union.org/rmc/
To get emailed newsletters from the Florida Alliance for Retired Americans Newsletter, go to http://visitor.constantcontact.com/email.jsp?m=1101190292888 to register.
Our Local would love to get our retired members involved in the local again. Please help us to help our new generation of members. MANY of whom have never been on strike! We will need you all should there be a work stopage!