Florida CWA Locals are collectively requesting that all our members please take a few minutes and ask our Governor and elected representatives to help protect workers from corporate control over our personal health choices.
No matter which side each of us are on this issue I believe we can all agree that there needs to be a line drawn when it comes to our health choices and that companies and municipalities have no business tying our employment to those choices, with that please take the time to click the links provided and tell our governor we need him to step up and help all workers in the state of Florida.
In unity for all members,
Shawn Todd
Webpage that will automatically send a letter to the governor's office.
Flyer link.
Brothers & Sisters,
On August 26, 2021, AT&T informed the Communications Workers of America (CWA) that it intended to implement a COVID-19 Vaccination Policy requiring all Wireline employees represented by CWA in Districts 3, 4, 6, 9 & CWA T&T, be vaccinated against COVID-19 as a condition of employment. Utilizing the Union’s legal authority, in an effort to prevent the Company’s proposed mandate, and to provide additional protections for our members, CWA demanded that AT&T bargain over their decision to implement the policy.
CWA’s National Bargaining Committee entered into negotiations with AT&T. Throughout the course of these discussions, the Union held firmly to our position against vaccinations being a mandatory requirement as a condition of employment. AT&T was just as adamant that the Company would not agree to any proposal that did not include a mandate. As a result, the parties were unable to come to terms on an agreement and reached an impasse in “Decisional Bargaining”.
CWA then utilized the full extent of authority under federal labor law governing the bargaining process and impasse, by immediately demanding that the Company enter into “Effects Bargaining” with the Union. Our National Bargaining Committee commenced negotiations with the Company over the terms of their proposed policy, its implementation, and its effects in the workplace. During the course of these negotiations both parties have affirmed their unwillingness to move off their respective positions relative to the issue of mandatory vaccinations as a condition of employment.
As it stands today, the Company has presented the Union a “last, best, and final offer”, which incorporated certain modifications to their proposed policy, based on CWA’s bargaining demands. The deadline for the Company's vaccination requirement has now been pushed back from January 1, 2022, to February 1, 2022. The Company will provide employees who are not vaccinated by February 1, 2022, with a 60-day unpaid reconsideration period. Any employee who is discharged by the Company for violating their policy will be marked as rehireable. Additionally, the Company's policy will provide a process for employees to request an exemption from the vaccination requirement for both religious and/or medical reasons. However, because AT&T’s last, best, and final offer still included mandatory vaccinations as a condition of employment, the CWA Bargaining Committee rejected their proposal. As a result, the parties have now reached a second impasse.
Under federal labor law, a Union and a company are required to bargain until they reach agreement or until they reach impasse. If an impasse is reached, a Company is, by law, entitled to implement its final proposal as long as it is bargained with the Union. To summarize these negotiations, because CWA would not agree to the Company’s insistence on a COVID-19 vaccine mandate, the parties inevitably reached an impasse and the company intends to invoke their legal right under federal labor law, to implement their COVID-19 Vaccination Policy.
In Unity,
Your CWA Bargaining Committee
District 3: Nick Hawkins, Assistant to the Vice-President
District 4: Curt Hess, Assistant to the Vice-President
District 6: Mark Franken, Administrative Director
District 9: Domonique Thomas, Assistant to the Vice-President
CWA T&T Office: Ken Saether, Assistant to the Vice-President
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September 22, 2021
Brothers & Sisters,
As previously reported, the CWA bargaining committee has passed numerous proposals and counter proposals across the bargaining table relative to AT&T's plans to implement a rigid COVID-19 Vaccination Policy. �The ball remains in the company's court as the Union committee continues to await AT&T's response to our most recent bargaining demands. �At this time, there is nothing new to report. �
The CWA bargaining committee will remain on standby awaiting a response from the Company. �We will distribute additional updates once there new information to report. �
In Unity,
Your CWA Bargaining Committee:
District 3: Nick Hawkins, Assistant to the Vice President District 4: Curt Hess, Assistant to the Vice President District 6: Mark Franken, Administrative Director District 9: Dominique Thomas, Assistant to the Vice President CWA T&T Office: Ken Saether, Assistant to the Vice President
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On September 17, 2021, the parties continued meetings at the bargaining table. �The CWA bargaining committee passed modified bargaining demands across the table. �The company's committee had several questions about the Union's efforts to protect it's membership from the company's hardline stance on the implementation of their COVID-19 Vaccination Policy.
Our Union bargaining committee answered the company's questions and made it clear that certain protections must be in place for our membership. �As it stands today, our committee is on standby awaiting a response from AT&T. �As additional information becomes available, updates will be distributed. �
In Unity,
Your CWA Bargaining Committee:
District 3: Nick Hawkins, Assistant to the Vice President District 4: Curt Hess, Assistant to the Vice President District 6: Mark Franken, Administrative Director District 9: Dominique Thomas, Assistant to the Vice President CWA T&T Office: Ken Saether, Assistant to the Vice President
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On September 16, 2021, the parties resumed negotiations on the Company's proposed implementation of a COVID-19 Vaccination Policy. Proposals presented by the CWA Bargaining Committee the previous day were discussed. Ultimately, the Company provided responses to each of them; either rejecting them or indicating where there might be latitude for movement.
After the bargaining session adjourned, the CWA Committee caucused to review and discuss the Company's responses, as well as prepare counter proposals to be passed during Friday's joint session.
Additional updates will be provided as new information becomes available.
In Unity,
Your CWA Bargaining Committee:
District 3: Nick Hawkins, Assistant to the Vice President District 4: Curt Hess, Assistant to the Vice President District 6: Mark Franken, Administrative Director District 9: Dominique Thomas, Assistant to the Vice President CWA T&T Office: Ken Sather, Assistant to the Vice President
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On September 15, 2021, the CWA Bargaining Committee worked throughout the morning on formulating proposals to present to AT&T Wireline representatives relative to the Company's proposed implementation of a COVID-19 Vaccination Policy. That afternoon, the parties reconvened negotiations on the matter. During the session, the Union passed twelve proposals to the AT&T committee. After explaining each proposal and answering the Company's initial questions about them, the bargaining session adjourned to allow the Company time to further review and consider the Union's proposals.
The parties agreed to meet again today, Thursday, September 16, 2021. Future updates will be forthcoming as negotiations continue.
In Unity,
Your CWA Bargaining Committee,
District 3: Nick Hawkins, Assistant to the Vice President
District 4: Curt Hess, Assistant to the Vice President
District 6: Mark Franken, Administrative Director
District 9: Dominique Thomas, Assistant to the Vice President
CWA T&T Office: Ken Saether, Assistant to the Vice President
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Brothers & Sisters,
September 15, 2021 The CWA bargaining committee met with AT&T. The parties discussed the Union’s counter proposal to the Company’s proposed policy. The Union counter, which included incentives and an alternative to mandatory vaccination, was ultimately rejected by the Company. The CWA bargaining committee made it clear that our intent is to continue bargaining with the Company to reach an agreement that supports and encourages our members to be vaccinated on a voluntary basis, while providing an alternative testing option that our bargaining unit members can utilize.
In response to the Union’s position, the Company expressed that any future Union proposals that include anything other than a mandate will likely receive the same response as our previous proposal. Based upon the Company’s statements and our discussions at the table, it is clear to the bargaining committee that the Company will not agree to any proposal that does not include a mandate. Given CWA's position against mandates, and the Company's position that it will not agree to any proposal that does not include a mandate, we are effectively at an impasse in the negotiations. Under federal labor law governing the effect of impasse, the Company intends to implement its policy. The committee will continue negotiations with the Company over the terms of the policy, its implementation and its effects in the workplace. We will be making proposals about implementation and effects of the policy.
In Unity,
Your CWA Bargaining Committee,
District 3: Nick Hawkins, Assistant to the Vice-President
District 4: Curt Hess, Assistant to the Vice-President
District 6: Mark Franken, Administrative Director
District 9: Domonique Thomas, Assistant to the Vice-President
CWA T&T Office: Ken Saether, Assistant to the Vice-President
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Brothers and Sisters,
Today, the CWA bargaining committee met with AT&T and rejected the company's proposed mandatory vaccination policy for Union represented employees. �Our committee further emphasized that CWA supports voluntary vaccination programs and opposes mandatory vaccination as a condition of employment. Our committee then introduced a counter proposal which provides incentives to employees who volunteer to be vaccinated, as well as those who have already been vaccinated. �The Union's counterproposal also includes a testing option for employees who choose not to be vaccinated. �
After going through the counter proposal and answering the company's questions, the company stated they would give it further review and consideration. The parties agreed to reconvene negotiations tomorrow morning. �Additional updates will be distributed as they become available. �
In Unity,
Your CWA Bargaining Committee
District 3: Nick Hawkins, Assistant to the Vice-President
District 4: Curt Hess, Assistant to the Vice-President
District 6: Mark Franken, Administrative Director
District 9: Domonique Thomas, Assistant to the Vice-President
CWA T&T Office: Ken Saether, Assistant to the Vice-President
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Brothers and Sisters
Today the company provided CWA with a partial response to our comprehensive request for information (RFI). We expect that they will be providing us with a full response very soon. Our bargaining committee spent the day in caucus reviewing the information provided and formulating a counter proposal to the company's proposed mandate. Additionally, CWA's legal department has been in consultation with our committee regarding the impact of the federal requirements that were announced yesterday. We will distribute additional updates as they become available. �
In Unity, Your CWA Bargaining Team
District 3: Nick Hawkins, Assistant to the Vice-President District 4: Curt Hess, Assistant to the Vice-President District 6: Mark Franken, Administrative Director District 9: Domonique Thomas, Assistant to the Vice-President CWA T&T Office: Ken Saether, Assistant to the Vice-President
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Brothers and Sisters
Our national CWA bargaining committee met with the company's bargaining team to start the bargaining process. �The company presented a proposal that would require employees to be vaccinated. �The Union responded to the company's proposal by submitting a detailed request for information (RFI). �The RFI seeks detailed information about the company's vaccine mandate proposal, the reasons for the proposal, and how the company proposes to administer a mandate. �We now await the company's response. �
District 3: Nick Hawkins, Assistant to the Vice-President
District 4: Curt Hess, Assistant to the Vice-President
District 6: Mark Franken, Administrative Director
District 9: Domonique Thomas, Assistant to the Vice-President
CWA T&T Office: Ken Saether, Assistant to the Vice-President
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September 3, 2021
TO: District 3 AT&T Southeast & Mobility Local Presidents, District 3 Staff & Secretaries
FROM: Nick Hawkins, Assistant to the Vice President, CWA District 3 SUBJ: AT&T Bargaining — COVID-19 Vaccine Policy
As you know, AT&T recently notified CWA that it intends to put a mandatory policy in place for all employees to be fully vaccinated by January 1, 2022. CWA responded immediately and demanded negotiations on this mandatory subject of bargaining. These negotiations will take place at a national level with participation from all the CWA Districts and Sectors involved. The following CWA Representatives will be serving on the national bargaining team:
District 3: Nick Hawkins, Assistant to the Vice-President
District 4: Curt Hess, Assistant to the Vice-President
District 6: Mark Franken, Administrative Director
District 9: Domonique Thomas, Assistant to the Vice-President
CWA T&T Office: Ken Saether, Assistant to the Vice-President
We are scheduled to begin the bargaining process early next week and will provide updates as soon as they become available. As always, should you have any questions or concerns regarding this issue, please feel free to contact me at the District 3 Office.
In Unity, Nick Hawkins Assistant to the Vice-President CWA District 3 cc: Richard Honeycutt, Vice President, CWA District 3
Billy O’Dell, Administrative Director to the Vice President
Angie Wells, Administrative Director to the Vice President
Robert Weaver, District 3 Counsel
Brothers and Sisters
CWA has been made aware that AT&T is considering mandating that employees receive the COVID vaccination before entering an AT&T workplace, and has suggested that it plans "to begin discussions" with CWA about such a mandate. Let me be perfectly clear: while CWA encourages all members to educate themselves about the COVID vaccines, and encourages all members to get vaccinated (if their health or religious beliefs allow), CWA is opposed to any vaccine mandates. Below, I have pasted a link to the CWA Executive Board's statement on the COVID vaccines, which emphasizes CWA's opposition to vaccine mandates.
As for AT&T "plans" and "discussions" with CWA, the only discussions CWA is interested in having with AT&T about mandatory COVID vaccines is across the bargaining table. "Mandatory" vaccines are a "mandatory" subject of collective bargaining. We will demand bargaining over any plans AT&T has to mandate vaccines, and take legal action to enforce that demand. Whatever AT&T's plans might be, remember that CWA (and not AT&T) is the only source of accurate information about CWA's position, about CWA's actions, and about the steps that CWA is taking to represent our members.
cc: Nick Hawkins, Assistant to the Vice President
Billy O’Dell, Administrative Director to the Vice President
Angie Wells, Administrative Director to the Vice President
Robert Weaver, District 3 Legal Counsel
District 3 Staff & Secretaries
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